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A welcome from the CUGS President…

It is my pleasure to welcome all students to the Cambridge University Geography Society. Geography is the bridge between the natural sciences and humanities, it keeps abstract sociology, politics, and economics real. It resists the tech broligarchs who desire to map, quantify and digitalise everything into commodities for profit. Geography should be thought of in the way that Borges does in his short story ‘On Exactitude in Science’. He envisions an empire where the discipline of geography has attained such perfection, that its cartographers are able to craft a map of its colonies that is life-sized; to the scale of a mile to the mile! The issue is that the map is so completely accurate, that it becomes useless – it covers the entire empire, shutting out the sun, and so eventually only its tattered ruins remain. Contemporary geography has moved on from this colonial framework of the past. Instead, the modern-day geographer emerges as someone who uses the country itself as its own map, in defiance of today’s trend in science to map and quantify everything.

CUGS has much to offer in terms of intellectual enrichment and social exchanges, this is expressed through our regular socials, speaker events and panels. 

Ruben Francis: President 2025

Please feel free to contact our executive committee via email:

CUGS - President, Eric Taylor


We put on a number of events and socials during the year for all our members, including the Christmas Dinner, Garden Party and various speaker events. Make sure to like us on Facebook and follow us on Instagram to keep updated with all of our events!


Compass is the student run magazine produced in partnership with CUGS.
Compass covers a broad range of contemporary issues, with articles produced by our own geographers, alongside hosting readers’ photography and career advice.


Geography students who are members of CUGS are eligible to apply for the Bedford Travel Grant which is available to support undergraduates with their dissertation.


Do get in touch if you would be interested in partnering with us! We’re always keen to work alongside companies and groups, and we can offer a range of specifically tailored sponsorship packages.

Geography at Cambridge

Thinking about studying Geography at Cambridge or a current Fresher? Take a look at our Alternative Prospectus.